With an extensive background in the realm of inclusion and social care, Diamond Residential Care encompasses and transmits from the holistic experience of a team who have held responsibilities for children in care.
Diamond Care’s dedicated journey has been to provide care and support to assist young people/children allowing them to experience a stable home environment.
This expansion ranges from specialised care to nuanced training in handling moderate behaviour, enriching our ability to make a positive impact to uplifting society’s most delicate souls.
Fusing a tight-knit community framework with decades of hands-on involvement with children, Diamond Residential Care Group took a momentous stride by customising our exceptional residence ‘Comfort Cove’ to cater specifically to those with learning disabilities, mental health complexities, emotional turbulence, moderate behaviours and intricate care requisites.
Reach out to us for a friendly conversation or to address any further curiosities you may possess. We're here to provide the clarity you seek.